Friday, 12 September 2014

Hackers Toolkit for Chrome

Quickly encode or decode string with a certain encryption or get the query for a certain web hacking method. 


[ 1 Encoders one-way ]
   1.1 MD5 Encode
   1.2 SHA-1 Encode
   1.3 SHA-256 Encode
   1.4 SHA-384 Encode
   1.5 SHA-512 Encode
   1.6 DES Encode
[ 2 Encoders ]
   2.1 Base-64 Encode
   2.2 URL Encode
   2.3 Leet Encode
   2.4 HTMLEntities Encode
   2.5 Morse Encode
   2.6 ASCII-85 Encode
   2.7 ROT-13 Encode
[ 3 Decoders ]
   3.1 Base-64 Decode
   3.2 URL Decode
   3.3 Leet Decode
   3.4 HTMLEntities Decode
   3.5 Morse Decode
   3.6 ASCII-85 Decode
   3.7 ROT-13 Decode
[ 4 Bruteforcers ]
   4.1 MD5 Bruteforce
   4.2 SHA1 Bruteforce
[ 5 Converters ]
   5.1 ASCII to Decimal
   5.2 Decimal to ASCII(on comma)
   5.3 Decimal to ASCII(on space)
   5.4 ASCII to Binary
   5.5 Binary to ASCII
   5.6 ASCII to HEX
   5.7 HEX to ASCII
   5.8 Binary to HEX
   5.9 HEX to Binary
[ 6 String tools ]
   6.1 Reverse string
   6.2 Remove spaces
   6.3 String Length
   6.4 String to uppercase
   6.5 String to lowercase
   6.6 String replacer
[ 7 SQL injection tools ]
   7.1 Column count generator
   7.2 Mixed case bypass
   7.3 SQLi WAF bypass (union)
   7.4 SQLi WAF bypass (tables)
   7.5 SQLi WAF bypass (columns)
   7.6 Error based SQLi (version)
   7.7 Error based SQLi (database)
   7.8 Error based SQLi (tables)
   7.9 Error based SQLi (columns)
   7.10 Error based SQLi (data)
   7.11 Blind SQLi (database count)
   7.12 Blind SQLi (database name length)
   7.13 Blind SQLi (database name)
   7.14 Blind SQLi (tables count)
   7.15 Blind SQLi (table name length)
   7.16 Blind SQLi (table name)
   7.17 Blind SQLi (column count)
   7.18 Blind SQLi (column name length)
   7.19 Blind SQLi (column name)
   7.20 Blind SQLi (data)
[ 8 Other hacking tools ]
   8.1 LFI (etc/passwd)
   8.2 LFI (proc/self/environ)
   8.3 LFI bypass (url encode)
   8.4 LFI bypass (../ replace)
   8.5 LFI bypass 2 (../ replace)
   8.6 XSS bypass (String.fromCharCode)
   8.7 XSS bypass (tag name replace)


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